Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Inspired, but no motivation

So, I've been inspired recently by some awesome friends who chronicle life and their children and the things that happen. However, all I currently want to do is take a nap. Thus I have compromised. I'm writing something, but don't have pictures or an organized path to follow.

I was looking for a blog title and the two thoughts that have been most in my mind in the last couple weeks are Life Happens and Just Another Day in Paradise. Obviously such obvious blog titles aren't available, but I had a thought that friends have frequently used terms such as Wiley World and Decided that Wileydise was an interesting play on paradise. Now, it's not something anyone will ever remember, but it will do for now.

I should ask Paul how I can put a blog up on a domain since he got me www.elizabethwiley.com since he's awesome.

But for now, know that Life Happens and It's Just Another Day in Paradise and smile.

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