Monday, April 23, 2012

New Territory

So, I wrote the title for this about a week and a half ago, but haven't updated anything. Not because anything is wrong, but just been too frantic with work getting things done to have any time between work and the boys and life.

All is good.

On the girls' front, I actually ended up calling my OB's nurse the next morning and talking to her about the preterm clinic.  And totally lost the capacity to speak without crying which is something that happens to me about once every half-dozen years.  Luckily, she's a very patient and kind soul and waited me out and helped me get the whole story out.  The end result was that she talked with the OB and they declared that I didn't have to go to preterm clinic anymore.  However, by that point I'd come to the conclusion that anyone could say something stupid and perhaps I should give her another chance.  So I went ahead and went the next Monday morning and it was fine.  I figure that it makes more sense to follow the recommended protocol as long as it isn't causing me to stress out unnecessarily.  Went again today and I would actually go so far as to say that it was a positive experience with the preterm nurse, so hopefully things will stay that way.

With my flipout I actually ended up seeing my OB last Thursday where she patiently dealt with me 25 item long list of questions that I'd developed as part of my flipout.  This was not the first time I'd done this to her, but the first time she saw it printed out instead of just on my phone or laptop screen.  I kind of thought maybe we'd just get through a few of them and save the rest for next time, but she actually did the whole dang list!

She also talked with the perinatologist and got me set up for weekly ultrasounds with the perinatologist who strikes me as the best.  Until 28 weeks, he is just going to assess their amniotic fluid, look at their heartbeat patterns and generally assess their movement.  Then, starting at 28 weeks he will do a BPP each week.  And at some point NSTs get added in. 

While there is definitely a risk of recurrence in stillbirth due to cord accidents, I'm pretty sure they are doing most of this extra monitoring to keep me sane more than because they think it will make a difference in the girls' outcome.  Honestly, I'm ok with that. 

Here's their heads this morning.  We are definitely in new territory as we are past the point of the demise in the last pregnancy.  ALso, these girls move around a LOT.  At 20 weeks, they were stacked both transverse with the right one lower.  Then at 24 weeks, they had switched and the left one was presenting and she was vertex along the left side of my uterus with the right one stretched across the top transverse with her head to the right.  And then a week later, the right one was back to being presenting and she is breech on the right side of the uterus with the left one transverse across the top of the uterus!  It's anybody's guess where they are going to end up!

We dropped our boys' 0-12 month clothing off with friends yesterday, it was impressive.  Still pretty amazed by that purchase.

On the boys' front, it's surgery week.  Chiron is getting tubes tomorrow and then Trajan is getting his tonsillectomy/adenoidectomy on Thursday.  

Chiron is still adorable:
Trajan was an adorable ringbearer:
Poppins is still going great.  I had a great time chaperoning Trajan's field trip a few weeks ago and CHiron went to his first birthday party for one of his friends.

Life is good, and perhaps now that I've acknowledged I've failed to write about all kinds of things, I'll get back on an updating schedule.  I think it was largely trying to get work ready for me to be out for both surgeries that was kicking me backside, but I do still have a lot of work for the next few weeks, so it's entirely possible that I'll fail as an updater. 

Random note: we have now had 19 or 20 ultrasounds this pregnancy and I'm not even remembering to take pictures of all the shots we get, much less upload them.  How's that for crazy?

In conclusion, I'm sticking with the idea I opened with, all is good.


  1. Those are some seriously handsome boys !
    So glad that you talked with the OB.
    Lovin the relaxed nature in which your life has become mentally. It sounds like physically you are insane.
    SLOW DOWN ! take it easy :)

  2. Such a great and positive update. Chiron looks like he has sprinkles - he'a a super cute cupcake! Trajan looks so handsome!

  3. YAY for updates, especially good ones! Thank you for taking the time to update us and letting us know that all is well with you and the girls. Sounds like you are doing better than you were at the time of your last post. I am glad that your medical providers are looking out for your well being (mentally and physically), as well as the well being of those girls. They are movers and shakers...wonder where they get that from ;)?

    Love the pictures of your boys. Praying for successful, easy surgeries with quick recoveries for both.

    Amy (a relatively new reader)

  4. Glad to see an update and know all is swell! Hang in there.

  5. Yay for everything being good :) Glad you're relaxing and staying positive, too!
